Click here to visit the Enemy of Debt website and see just how financially literate you really are. While you’re there read the scary report detailing the financial illiteracy of our youth and what we can do about it. (Photo by amboo who? used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Finance 101: Learn the basics
The world of personal finance can be confusing. What’s an annuity? How should I think about risk? What’s an IRA? Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has put together a webpage with good, basic information that can help you make some smart choices. (Photo © Chris Brignell –
Videos for Financial Literacy
Click on over to MoneyPlanSOS and check out a month’s worth of new two minute videos for Financial Literacy Month (April). You can also look at last year’s selection of videos in the archives. Blogger and financial coach Steve Stewart has put together an extremely useful and easy to navigate website that encourages financial literacy and stewardship using biblical principles. (Photo by Inha Leex Hale used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)