Financial Coaching Materials

Here are some essential materials for coaches and students!

Financial Wellness Pre-Assessment. This tool designed to gauge your financial wellness and help provide students and coaches a starting place for your work together.

Introduction to Financial Coaching, from Luther Seminary, Aug. 2011. Luther is the pioneer in financial coaching. This concise guide will get you going!

PLTS Financial Stewardship Coaching, from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary. It’s the handbook for coaches and students. Full of good ideas!

Money Autobiography. This tool helps you explore your history with money and current relationship in order to help you understand your underlying assumptions and attitudes about money.

Competencies Overview. What does it mean to be a Well-Formed Stewardship Leader? This guide gives you clear direction.

Competencies of a Well-formed Stewardship Leader This is the comprehensive guide Coaches and Seminarians use to direct their work.

Competencies Workshop Guide. This will guide you in a 75-minute workshop presentation about the financial competencies.

Scriptural Foundations for Competencies of a Well-Formed Stewardship Leader. Since the bible is the source and norm for our walk of discipleship, we turn to Scripture for guidance and inspiration.

Questions for facilitators for Competencies. This will direct coaches and facilitators in their work.

Life MinistryTool. This is a survey to help Christian leaders assess their understandings of Stewardship as it relates to their lives, to others’ lives, and to the church as a whole.

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